Our Family


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Tía Gladys

Gladys Sandoval is the director of Talita Cumi, overseeing all of the day-to-day operations of the ministry. She is helpful, proactive and loves all of the children and adolescents at the home.

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Tío Ivan

Ivan Cossio, auditing graduate. Our administrator works to ensure that economic resources are managed in a balanced and transparent manner.

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Tía Sandra

Sandra is a graduate in social work. She supports the children by safeguarding their rights and performing tasks related to social and family welfare.

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Tía Maria

Maria is in charge of the sewing workshop as part of the occupational therapy that children receive, teaching practical sewing tasks, resource management and planning. She also serves in a supporting role as an educator, helping the boys and girls in their academic development.

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Tía Cinthia

Cinthia is the boys' house mom during the weekends. She watches over the boys, guiding them in their spiritual development and teaching them new skills.

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Tía Esther

Esther is a psychology graduate. She works as an educator and house mom with the boys during the week. She labors to provide a warm and loving ambience for the well-being of the boys.

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Tía Silda

Silda has been working at the home since 2010. She has worked as an educator and an interim director. She currently is working as an educator primarily with the girls.


Tío Derek

Derek is a missionary from the United States serving as a volunteer at the home. He is the director of Ruth's House and Peter's House: transitional homes for the girls and boys of Talita Cumi after they have turned 18 years old.


Tía Raquel

Raquel is a missionary of the Assemblies of God from Spain. She collaborates as a volunteer, focusing her work on the accompaniment, mentoring and discipleship of teenagers, in addition to being the guardian of "La casa de Rut", a safe space where the girls can access once they have reached the age of majority, where they are provided with everything they need to reach adulthood in a healthy way in each of the areas of their lives.

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Tía Elizabeth

Elizabeth is the house mom in charge of the girls during the week. She patiently works with the girls, providing spiritual guidance, emotional support and encouragement.

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Tía Fanny

Fanny is a vocational teacher with gifts and talents at the service of our Creator. She is also a substitute house mom.

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Tía Lourdes

Lourdes is the psychologist at the home. She is in charge of emotionally supporting the children and strengthening their abilities so that they can have leadership skills with Christian values and principles.

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Tía Marisol

Marisol works as an educator and fulfills the role of house mom in the girls' house on the weekends. She ensures the well-being and comprehensive development of each of the girls.

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Tía Neyra

Neyra is the cook at the home. She believes that one of the best expressions of appreciation is through a good and delicious meal. She says that her secret ingredient is love!

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Tía Reginia

Reginia works as an educator at the boys' home and is focused on reaching each child's heart with the Word of God with a lot of patience and love.

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Tía Silvia

Silvia is an industrial engineering graduate who supports secondary school girls at the home and works as an educator/teacher to improve the girls' academic development.

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Tío Victor

Victor teaches a photography workshop focused on developing creativity and seeing God's creation from a slightly more detailed perspective. The objective is that the children, beyond having another tool, can connect with God through what they do, seeking to capture the beauty of God's creation and valuing every moment that happens.

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Tío Jorge

Jorge is the chauffeur, transporting the children back and forth from school. He also maintains the infrastructure of the home.

Board of Directors

Gladys Sandoval

Executive Director

Mauricio Barbeito

Board President

Victoria Baigorria
Raquel Malagón
Débora Calapiña
Maria Pía Huebe

Talita Cumi is governed by a board of directors that meets regularly to seek God’s guidance in discerning the best choices for the home. The board is made up of Bolivian nationals as well as missionaries that have come to Bolivia from other parts of the world. To contact our board members, check out the «Contact Us» page. We also have a USA Board of Directors in California that manages our American donations.


For many years, Talita Cumi has been blessed by one-year interns from SALT or YAMEN: programs of the Mennonite Central Committee. More recently we have also received interns through other mission organizations including the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (EFCCM). These interns live in Bolivia and help fill the gaps: spending time with the children, helping with homework, writing newsletters, teaching English and music, and performing other administrative tasks. They are always a huge help and a wonderful part of Talita Cumi’s family. 

© 2024 Talita Cumi – Hogar de niños | Santa Cruz – Bolivia / South America